Saturday, February 13, 2010

Durty Nellies Highlights/Quotes

1. As B's driving to the hotel, D starts calling
every five minutes asking where he is, calling him
2. "Ohh my God, that is the gayest t-shirt ever." B
saying to D upon noticing D's t-shirt with a picture
of Kobe's face on the front, and the date of his 81
point game on the back.
3. Marti, Dean, and Ha coming back from the poo,
Marti lays on top of B with his wet swim suit,
causing wet spots on his shirt and jeans.
4. Dean breaks the cover of the air conditioner off,
then in an attempt to fix it, has his shorts pulled
down exposing his ass.
5. Dean asking B if every car in the parking lot is
his. "Hey BG, is that your Chevy Astro
that your station that your Escort?"
6. Bob, K, and D playing some weird game
featuring them hitting quarters against each other's
knuckles, causing them to bleed.
7. Marti taking about a half hour shower, drawing D's
8. Marti stands up near the t.v., then falls forward
into the wall, nearly falling down. Party then tries
blaming it on tripping over the shoes that were
9. Haw and Dean pulling out their hilarious "If it
ain't yours don't mess with it" impressions.
10. B asking Haw over and over why he doesn't just
stay at the hotel instead of driving home that night.
11. In the cab on the way to Nellies, Marti drops a
"N bomb", prompting D to say, "Hey, watch it back
there" sounded like an angry father yelling at his kid
in the back seat.
12. Harmon and Pence bragging about how they smoke
weed everyday.
13. When Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" started
being played, D and Marti looked at each other with a
look as if someone had just told them they won a
million dollars.
14. During the song, B proceeds to play air guitar
and dance horribly.
15. B later dancing with some chick with a beer
bottle in each hand, chaw in mouth.
16. D giving B the door bell push on his chaw
numerous times.
17. B near the stage, yelling at the band to play
some Guns N Roses.
18. The foul odor that kept coming through the bar at
various times, smelled like a combination of shit and
19. Back at the hotel, B lays down to pass out, asks K
for his sleeping bag since he was in the bed. K gives
it to him, then wrestles it away a couple minutes
later, then gives B a shitty bed spread that wasn't
worth shit. Thanks K.
20. B waking up freezing his ass off, he proceeds to
take off his shirt and put his jacket on over his shirt.
As Dean later asked, "Why didn't u just keep the shirt
on for more warmth?"
21. B to Dean..."What's your e-mail Dean? Is it Dean at
22. On our way out, Marti stops by the maid's cart in
the hall, then proceeds to grab several handfuls of
coffee packets and tosses them into his cooler.
23. After Marti tossed a newspaper from the front
desk into his cooler, he then asked, "Hey, can I get
one of those room evaluations." Some Hindu behind the
counter says they are in the rooms. "Ohh that's cool,
it was a good hotel, could use a microwave in the room
though." The guy behind the counter in his Hindu
voice says, "We cannot because of safety reasons."
24. During the night, some wetback hotel dude warns
us twice within the span of 10 minutes that we would
be kicked out for noise. "Alright guys, last
warning." As much as it would have sucked to sleep in
the car, it probably would have been warmer than the

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