Monday, February 1, 2010

Fantasy Baseball Draft Night‏

1. No more than 30 seconds after entering the door, D
started calling B Arthur Fonzerelli and saying that he
was wearing a Members Only jacket. Funny considering
that B doesn't believe they ever made a Members Only
leather jacket.
2. Fuckstick giving B advice on who to draft,
prompting Marti to get assed up and made a rule saying
no more advice from outside sources.
3. Dirk, "Well, this goes against everything I stand
for, but give me Derek Jeter. There's probably at
least 100 players better, but I'll take him. Last
year I had the best player at every position and
didn't come close to winning."
4. Yet another long debate about whether one of us
could hit Johan or other various MLB pitchers.
5. D having his draft setup right next to the
shitter, with Fuckstick later laying on the floor in
the shitter with only his head sticking out the door.
6. Bob and D getting into a war of words over the
phone. D was already in his tanked and fired up mood.
7. The draft taking an unbelieveably long 5 hours,
longest in history.
8. Coad frequently taking his teeth out during the
draft while sitting on the cooler.
9. Bob for whatever reason yelling and swearing at
B, Marti, and others for apparently "fucking me over"

10. B and Wac getting turned down left and right by
some black chicks at that bar. One of them said to B
as he approached her while dancing mind you, "I didn't
come here to dance." She said that with a dirty look
in my direction. Not good!
11. The stripper at Club Caberit sticking B’s face in
her twat.
12. After it was announced that you would have to
take a shot, and donate a dollar to the pot, K
enthusistically gave his support in the event someone
took a player already taken. Later he proceeded to
violate the rule twice.
13. B, Wac, and Fuckstick doing some awesome
dancing at another bar we went to.
14. Us going to the casino at 4am, seeing Coad win
some good loot at the roulette table.
15. Us then getting stranded at the casino, since
there were no cabs, then Wac spotted some couple he
knew, totally out of the blue, and we luckily got a
ride back to the hotel.
16. Apparently there was some loud noise coming from
the shitter that morning, B didn't hear it, but
everyone else did. Marti got extremely assed up and
stormed down to the front desk to bitch about it.
B wishes he had tape recorded that conversation.

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